Portrait - Creametal AG

The factory full of ideas

The Swiss company CREAMETALAG develops, produces and sells innovative products for metal hand craft, especially for the construction of banisters. The production aids support metal workers/locksmiths in their core competencies: the high quality of handcrafted production as well as excellent flexibility and customer proximity. With these CREAMETAL solutions, banister production can remain an artisanal activity – but in only half the time with the same high quality.

These devices streamline steel and stainless steel processing. They are ideal for both small and mid-sized workshops – for sustainable banister construction without industrial production.

Our assembly line is linear – from preparation and positioning to assembly. Every metal worker can arrange an individualized assembly line which is perfectly suited to his or her needs. Because the investment costs are manageable, the products pay for themselves after only a short time, even for small establishments.


CREAMETAL's technical and sales staff are all metalworkers who know the state of the art from practical experience. This is the recipe for success: the team knows exactly in which production steps time is unnecessarily lost or where there are technical difficulties in the work. This is exactly where CREAMETAL's solutions come in - well thought-out and tried and tested.


